What does the offshore need in Poland?

The question of how to create conditions for the dynamic development of offshore wind energy seems extremely abstract, far removed from our daily affairs. Meanwhile, nothing could be further from the truth. The quality of life of each of us depends on the pace of green transformation and the shift away from fossil fuels – and offshore is even of great importance in this process. And it’s not just about energy prices. Indeed, thanks to offshore wind farms, they could drop significantly. It’s also, perhaps even primarily, about our health and living comfort. It is for this reason that we need to stop further environmental degradation. So what can be done to support the construction of offshore wind farms?

An offshore wind farm is an elaborate investment

Whenever considering what exactly can be done, or rather, what public authorities can do to support offshore wind investments, it is important to keep in mind that these are really extensive and complex investments. Not only do they require considerable work offshore, which boils down to the foundation of the installations necessary for power generation, but also on land. In the latter area, it is necessary to build an infrastructure that allows the electricity generated by wind turbines to be fed into the grid and delivered to end users. It is also worth thinking about solutions that allow energy storage.
Since the construction of a wind farm is so complicated from a purely technological point of view, every effort should be made to make it as legally simple as possible. The less paperwork, the better. In addition, care should be taken to ensure the efficiency of the public administration bodies responsible for ensuring the legality of the construction of an offshore power plant. Any delays in issuing the necessary decisions will, of course, negatively affect the time needed to start construction of an offshore wind farm.

Local resources should be used

Energy transition, including offshore wind, represents an extraordinary development opportunity for the Polish economy. Hence, every effort must be made to use local resources in the construction of offshore wind power plants. Local companies, indigenous universities or workers can provide many of the valuable resources needed to successfully complete an offshore wind project. It is simply worth taking advantage of these resources while giving these entities a chance to further develop.