Research shows that the green transition is gaining more and more supporters in Polish society. This is indicated, for example, by research recently carried out – as part of the Road to post-coal employment programme – by UCE RESEARCH and DGA S.A.. Their results show that almost 46 per cent of Poles have a favourable opinion of the process of transition of the economy in Poland to a more sustainable and environmentally friendly one. In other words: we are simply in favour of RES. What convinces us of green energy?

Caring for the environment and cheap energy

Experts carrying out the aforementioned survey argue that the percentage of Poles supporting RES is likely to increase in the coming years. This is due, among other things, to the growing ecological awareness, the tangibility of climate change or the perception of tangible benefits of investing in green energy, such as access to cheap power. Whether they want it or not, the traditional power industry is running out of potential and the energy it generates is simply becoming more and more expensive. Besides, the photovoltaic boom we have seen in recent years has only confirmed the inevitability of change and the need to move away from coal-based power generation.

Of course, there is still much to be done to popularise the idea of RES. There are still huge educational needs in this area – especially in view of the need to combat fake news and emerging misinformation.

The future of the labour market and new sectors

At the same time, it must not be forgotten that the green transition also means major changes in the labour market. Moving away from fossil fuels, especially for typically mining areas, involves a major transformation, not only of an energy nature, but also of a social nature. A good, even classic example of this is the coal mining market. The closure of mines will inevitably involve the loss of jobs for those employed in this sector. It is therefore a very good idea to start preparing for these changes, if only by facilitating retraining for miners.

The renewable energy industry, especially onshore and offshore, really needs a lot of specialists with a wide range of skills. So this is a good prospect for the future – not only for those employed in the mining industry.