Poland has until the end of the year to designate special zones where RES development will be facilitated. These include, for example, post-industrial and industrial areas, car parks or landfill sites.
The assumption is that in such zones the issuing of permits for RES-related investments is to be completed within 12 months. For offshore wind farms, on the other hand, the deadline should be 24 months.
The obligation to designate RES development zones results from the RED III directive, which came into force in November last year. According to its provisions, such zones are to be created by 21 February 2026, but Poland has undertaken to complete work on their designation sooner.
According to the declarations made as part of the milestones of the National Reconstruction Plan, Poland is to designate zones by the end of this year.
Meanwhile, according to WysokieNapiecie.pl, work on the implementation of the RED III directive is still in progress at the climate ministry.