Despite considerable interest in the “Energy for the countryside” program, the signing of contracts with beneficiaries who have received support is slow. Why?
Under the indicated program – which is administered by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management – it is possible to obtain grants and loans for, among other things, the construction of hydroelectric power plants, installations for generating energy from agricultural biogas under conditions of high-efficiency cogeneration, wind and photovoltaic installations, and energy storage facilities.
As wysokienapię reports, a total of 370 applications for financing were submitted in the first call for proposals, for a total amount of PLN 1.94 billion. Most applications, as many as 356, were for biogas plants.
However, what may come as a surprise is the varying pace of signing agreements with beneficiaries. Last year, 30 were signed, most of them in the last days of the year. This year, the situation looks even worse.
There are many indications that the real reason for this state of affairs remains the inadequate staffing of the National Environmental Protection Fund.