The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Gdansk has issued an environmental decision covering offshore and onshore industrial infrastructure elements necessary for the wind farm being built by OW Ocean Winds.

BC-Wind, as the project is referred to here, is an offshore wind farm to be located some 23 km from the Baltic coast, at the height of the Krokowa and Choczewo municipalities. According to the project, the total area of the farm should be 90.94 sq. km, and its capacity should be 500 MW.

The environmental decision covered the construction of 33 km of cable line in the marine area and 8 km on land. Importantly, the implementation of the cabling will not require significant interference with the environment. The investor has decided to use trenchless technology (HDD). It avoids interference with the coastal zone, including beaches.

The offshore farm will be connected to the grid at the Polish Power Grid 400 kV substation in Choczewo. The first work is expected to begin in the second half of next year.