The changes to the Windmill Act will have a positive impact on the – badly eroded – budgets of local authorities. This is an important aspect in favour of these changes.
Thanks to the liberalisation of the rules for the construction of wind power plants, municipal budgets may be boosted by as much as PLN 935 million by 2030. Given the current financial condition of local governments, this is an enormous support. On top of that, there are direct benefits for residents, who will have the right to use the energy produced by windmills installed in their neighbourhood.

As Anna Kosińska, who sits on the board of our company, explains in an interview with the NEWSERIA news agency, the construction of a wind turbine is a fixed income for the municipality, and the municipality can therefore plan the entire budget management process very well. The funds can be used for local needs, such as the modernisation and construction of roads and pavements, support for schools, kindergartens and senior citizens, as well as for the development of sport, culture or local transport.