The current is the best time to invest in wind energy. It is impossible to achieve the ambitious goals of the energy transition without really extensive offshore and onshore projects, and the current legislation only stimulates favorable trends for investors in this area. This is worth bearing in mind when deciding to build a wind farm.
Wind energy – why now?
In Poland we have a very good experience with the construction of domestic photovoltaics. There is probably no locality on the Vistula where there is not at least one such installation. However, the experience of recent years clearly shows that PV panels mounted on individual buildings are far too few to truly achieve climate neutrality. We need more advanced solutions, and wind farms – onshore and offshore – are ideal for this. The power they produce is a real support for the energy system, while for investors it is an opportunity for high profits.
Especially as laws are becoming increasingly friendly to the construction of wind farms. Such investments can also count on considerable financial support – and from various sources. All this is a consequence of the climate policy adopted by the European Union and its member states, which clearly sets the direction: RES, including offshore and onshore is a necessity from which there is no turning back. Therefore, it should be assumed that the trend determining the popularity and profitability of wind energy will not end soon.
The European Union and windmills – the level of investment will increase
The veracity of the above theses is best confirmed by referring to specific documents. The European Wind Power Action Plan assumes that by the end of this decade alone, the EU wind power sector will expand to as much as 500 GW. Compared to 2022, this means a doubling of the power produced from wind-powered sources. This means that 37 GW of such produced capacity should be added each year. The scale of the challenges – but also the benefits – of achieving these ambitious goals is downright enormous. In turn, their realization means opportunities for entrepreneurs in various industries and for workers seeking ambitious professional challenges.