In August, the share of renewable energy sources in Poland’s energy mix reached nearly 30%, up from the same period in previous years. Wind power plants played a significant role, covering 10% of energy demand, while hydro recorded a virtually trace impact on the energy mix, accounting for only 1% of power.

The Polish Power Grid published statistics showing that photovoltaics were a key component of RES, accounting for 18% of the energy generated in August. This is a result as much as 47% better than in 2023. Of course, the success of photovoltaics is due to several factors, but undoubtedly among the most important are the dynamic development of this RES segment and the sunny summer. Wind power plants have also contributed significantly to the energy mix, as a result of their intensive development and favorable wind conditions.

Poland is investing heavily in the development of wind farms, both onshore and offshore. Government and European support for offshore wind farms aims to increase wind capacity to 11 GW by 2040.

Wind power plants are a key component of Poland’s energy mix, and their role will grow with further investment and technology development.