It is impossible to build an offshore wind farm without a solid geological survey. This important stage of the investment will soon be completed for the Baltica 1 project.
PGE Baltica has signed a contract to carry out geological surveys (including geotechnical and geophysical surveys) and the resulting documentation of land-sea drilling for the Baltica 1 offshore wind farm.
The contractor for the work will be a consortium of companies: Geofizyka Torun S.A., Przedsiębiorstwo Geologiczne “Geoprojekt Szczecin” Sp. z o.o. and PROJMORS – Biuro Projektów Budownictwa Morskiego Sp. z o.o.
The scope of contracted work includes piezometric and magnetometric surveys, CPTU soundings, electrical resistivity tomography, seismic refraction tomography and GPR surveys, among others.
Offshore, meanwhile, there will be at least a bathymetric survey and a sediment profiler survey, as well as CPTU sounding and seismic reflection tomography.