Convincing the local community to build a wind farm is sometimes one of the most important challenges facing investors. In the perspective of changes in spatial planning rules, local governments will also face them. Fortunately, public acceptance of such solutions is growing significantly.
The WNP.PL portal presented data showing that Poles are increasingly less bothered by OZA infrastructure – including windmills. Admittedly, we are still far from countries where green energy solutions are more developed than in Poland, but the visible changes are certainly a good omen for the future.
It seems worth betting on the popularization of the benefits of green energy, especially for those who live near the installations themselves. Always this kind of task can be done in preparation for the implementation of investments.
The issue of RES market needs should also be of interest to local governments, which will soon have to proceed with the implementation of spatial planning reform. Omission of wind farms from the local acts will significantly hinder their construction on the territory of a given municipality.