Facts and Myths

Learn facts and myths about wind farms


FACTS: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), wind energy has no negative impacts on human health , and in fact works positively for health by reducing emissions.

According to the PWEA report, wind power is an emission-free technology, while traditional energy sources such as coal-fired power plants emit air-poisoning toxic substances (carbon dioxide, chad or sulfur oxide), which are then the cause of respiratory diseases.

Wind turbines do not produce or emit harmful waste, greenhouse gases or dust. So the statement that windmills can cause any health problems is completely false. Wanting to take care of our health and that of our children, we should just support the development of wind energy.

MYTH: Wind farms make huge noise

FACTS: Wind turbines should be treated like any other industrial sound source. The extent of their acoustic impact does not differ from that of common anthropogenic sound sources.

Observed levels of infrasound from wind turbines are lower than or comparable to the sound associated with typical natural sources of infrasound (e.g., wind, waves, lightning, heavy rain)commonly found in nature and the sounds accompanying humans in daily living activities (e.g., vehicles, loudspeakers, motors, household appliances, airplanes).

Source: PWEA report based on the Handbook of Environmental Acoustics, James P. Cowan and own estimates.


FACTS: According to global studies, the percentage of birds likely to be harmed by turbines is negligible. In addition, we are currently using solutions (including a system that monitors and deters flying animals or appropriate, brightly colored propellers) to completely negate the suffering of birds as a result of a possible collision with a turbine.

So now, as a result of our efforts, not a single bird should be harmed by our turbines.

Source: PSEW report based on A Summary and Comparison of Bird Mortality from Antropogenic Causes with an Emphasis on Collisions; Wallace Erickson, Gregory Johnson, David Young Jr.