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The concept of power grid development

It’s obvious that electricity produced at sea must be delivered to land. This is no different in the case of offshore wind farms being built in Polish Baltic waters, hence each of these projects includes an appropriate concept for delivering the energy generated by the turbines to consumers on land. At this point, however, there is a significant barrier: the

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New windmill law: opportunity or blockade?

The new windmill law proposed by the Ministry of Climate and Environment is causing controversy in the wind power industry. The changes, which were supposed to bring a breakthrough, could actually block the development of onshore wind farms. A key problem is the requirement to maintain a distance of 1,500 meters from Natura 2000 areas, which experts say could prevent

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Bureaucracy hinders RES development

The more extensive and complicated the administrative procedures, the slower the development of renewable energy. Conversely, where unnecessary paperwork has been reduced, RES flourishes. Bureaucracy simply hinders the growth of renewable energy. Especially in such complex areas as the implementation of onshore and offshore wind power plants. The conclusion is simple: legislators should do their best to make the construction

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When will Poland catch up with Australia?

Moving away from fossil fuels is a must. And it is on a global scale, which, of course, is only possible if individual countries implement appropriate policies. The green transition is certainly worth learning from those who have already achieved quite a lot in this area, moving away from fossil fuels towards renewable energy. We can certainly learn a lot

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A report by the Polish Wind Energy Association unequivocally proves that the development of wind energy is extremely important not only for achieving the goals of the energy transition, but also for the Polish economy as a whole. In its analysis “Offshore – it pays off,” the Association points out that if 18 GW from offshore wind farms can be

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A heat pump is to be built in Rzeszow to supply heat to the city’s residents. It seems that large-scale pumps are gaining favor with local authorities looking for modern solutions to secure ongoing access to energy. According to the Polish Press Agency, the power of the said heat pump is expected to be 14 MWt, and it will be

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The Ministry of Climate and Environment assumes that 56 percent of the energy Poland needs will be produced from renewable sources by 2030. Outlays to achieve this goal could reach as much as 792 billion zlotys. According to the Climate Minister, the ministry she heads is finalizing work on the National Energy and Climate Plan. This is to be a

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The Regional Director of Environmental Protection in Gdansk has issued an environmental decision covering offshore and onshore industrial infrastructure elements necessary for the wind farm being built by OW Ocean Winds. BC-Wind, as the project is referred to here, is an offshore wind farm to be located some 23 km from the Baltic coast, at the height of the Krokowa

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The Ministry of Climate and Environment has agreed to increase the corrective dispatch factor for energy storage facilities. This is an important, but unfortunately only cosmetic change. According to the original proposals, this coefficient was to be 57.58 percent. In the end, the Climate Ministry agreed to 61.3 percent. This still means a huge reduction in this coefficient. This ratio

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